Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews

Episode 14 - The McFlys of Hillel Valley ...With Special Guest Micah Hart

Barak Malkin, Ethan Lane-Miller, Rabbi David Young Episode 14

October 26, 2022
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 14 - The McFlys of Hillel Valley …with special guest Micah Hart

We find a new Jewish connection as we are joined by the host of the Jewish geography game show, Who Knows One?, Micah Hart. Join as we explore the numerous timelines of the Back to the Future trilogy and how it connects perfectly to a quote by the Talmudic scholar, Hillel.

00:01:35 Jewish Geography already
00:04:41 To quote Hillel, “If not now, when?”
00:06:03 We’re using Back to the Future rules
00:11:01 Are rules different for nerd spoilers?
0018:00 Last connection to self care
00:18:33 Saving the community in the sequel
00:21:52 Being erased
00:23:34 Make your future whatever you want it to be
00:27:12 Playing with the Talmud timeline
00:32:14 Favorite Time Travel Movies
00:34:17 Sequels that stand up
00:41:40 If you could go back

This episode is supported in part by Magnetic Shul, which is a tech-free, self-contained box with a synagogue background and magnets of the people and props we encounter at shul. The color sets invite children to play and create their own stories while at services or whenever MagneticShul is brought out.
MagneticShul makes a wonderful addition to synagogues. MagneticShul is an educational tool used by all ages: free play, structured barrier games, stop motion animation, or just retelling the synagogue experience. For parents, MagneticShul is a wonderful tool for their children to discover the synagogue through developmentally appropriate play. It is portable and can be enjoyed both on the road, while driving or in the comfort of your own home or at synagogue. Ultimately, MagneticShul is where kids play to pray.
MagneticShul is the brainchild of educator Justin Sakofs. The project was incubated through the PresenTense Global Institute with magnets produced in Israel, the tins are printed in China and assembled by the clients of Keshet in Chicago.
To learn more about MagneticShul visit or contact Justin at

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