Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews

Episode 20 - Captain Janeway's Transporter Trolley Dilemma

Barak Malkin, Ethan Lane-Miller, Rabbi David Young Episode 20

January 18, 2023
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 20 - Captain Janeway’s Transporter Trolley Dilemma

Ethan takes us back for a rewatch of an episode of Star Trek: Voyager, titled “Tuvix.” A miscalculation with the transporter causes two crew mates to be merged into a new being. Captain Janeway has quite the conundrum in front of her and Judaism has a few pieces of advice for her. Also, we help prepare the rabbis for important decisions they will need to make in regards to replicators.

00:01:58 Season 2, Episode 24 - Tuvix
00:06:55 Pikuach Nefesh - To save a life
00:11:06 The Trolley Problem
00:14:05 Clarifications on Captain Kathryn Janeway
00:16:55 Some heroes kill way too many people
00:19:24 Is Tuvix made in the image of God?
00:27:50 The Captain who made decisions
00:29:48 Struggling through change
00:31:29 Future Jewish Problems
00:35:48 Computer: Run Torah Smash Holodeck Program
00:41:53 What Star Trek should someone start with?

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