Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Where our lives of Jewish learning collide with our love of Nerd Culture. Join us as we explore Jewish texts, history, and values and the apparent and invisible connections to your favorite movies, characters, and hobbies.
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 27 - Forgotten Torah Stories: The Director's Cut
April 26, 2023
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 27 - Forgotten Torah Stories: The Director’s Cut
Not all Jewish stories are told. There are some that get left behind on the cutting room floor. Who decides which stories get told and how does that impact our teachings? Ethan leads us on an exploration of the forgotten, the rewritten, and the unknown.
00:04:19 How we decide which stories are canon
00:09:36 Apocryphal books
00:12:42 Items removed from nerd culture canon
00:16:14 Do we lose something when we forget stories?
00:19:39 Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor
00:23:19 Visual impact on stories we keep
00:27:55 What Jewish or nerdy stories do we wish were considered canon?
00:29:56 MCU playing with canon
00:34:52 Who decides what is canon?
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