Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews

Episode 43 - Love, Jews + Robots ...With Guest Host Joshua Sky

December 06, 2023 Barak Malkin, Ethan Lane-Miller, Rabbi David Young Episode 43

December 6, 2023
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 43 - Love, Jews + Robots …With Guest Host Joshua Sky

Our guest host this week, Joshua Sky, is not only a writer for popular properties like He-Man , Heavy Metal Illustrated, and Ben10, but he is also a massive Sci-Fi fan. He gives us an in depth look at how the era of Science Fiction started as well as the multitude of Jewish influences on its progression into modern sci-fi and comic stories.

00:02:20 Torah Smash! Live!
00:04:00 The Jewish influence on modern science fiction
00:07:36 The golden age of science fiction
00:09:11 Isaac Asimov, an OG Jewish nerd
00:11 34 The 3 Jewish Laws of Robotics
00:13:58 Asimov’s WWII rescuers
00:14:53 Stemming from the science fiction pulps
00:18:09 Judaism and jealousy in modern comics
00:22:29 Pulp science fiction paved the way for comic mythology
00:24:16 Jewish undertones
00:26:51 More representation, stemming from our love for others
00:30:38 Closing the gears on this robot
00:34:04 One last special He-Man Hanukkah smash!

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