Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews

Episode 73 - Kosher or Not Kosher?

Barak Malkin, Ethan Lane-Miller, Rabbi David Young Episode 73

January 29, 2025
Torah Smash! The Podcast for Nerdy Jews
Episode 73 - Kosher or Not Kosher?

It’s time for everyone’s favorite game show when it comes to Jewish food… Kosher! Or! Not! Kosher?! Join us as we explore some fantasy foods, science fiction foods, and some soon-to-not-be so science fiction food based questions when it comes to keeping kosher. Do we think the Klingons follow similar laws when making their ritual wines? How about Dungeons & Dragons characters? What about your video game characters? Plus, Barak shares his one unfortunate food allergy and RDY may have an alternative choice for him! But, would that also be allowed as kosher?

00:01:05 Laws of Kashrut
00:06:19 Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5
00:08:50 Unreal foods we want to try
00:09:56 Klingon Blood Wine
00:14:03 D&D’s Create Food and Water Conjuration
00:16:54 Meat cloned in a lab
00:24:24 RDY asks the wrong question
00:27:44 Are they really two generations?
00:31:20 Star Trek’s Food Replicator
00:35:28 Dietary Laws in the Torah
00:40:40 Futuristic food isn’t futuristic

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